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A baby born @24 weeks of Gestation with less chances of Survival was saved @ Medicover Hospitals

Hyderabad, 22 August 2022: 710 grams preterm baby born at 24 weeks of gestation, and getting discharged healthily after 118 days of hospital care with a weight of 2.1 kgs @ MEDICOVER WOMAN & CHILD HOSPITALS

4 months earlier, a pregnant woman with a gestational age of 24 weeks six days came to the hospital with the complaints of severe abdominal pain and profuse bleeding. With the severity of presenting complaints and the breech presentation of the baby, have put the both the lives of mother and baby at risk and made an indication for the emergency delivery. Usually in these kind of eminent preterm deliveries , mothers are given steroid injections to help the baby’s lungs grow but, in this emergency due to lack of time, that couldn’t happen, and the Obstretic consultant had to proceed for vaginal delivery to deliver the baby and a male baby was born with an extreme low weight of 710 grams.

The baby was given prompt medical attention and breathing support was given with the help of the ventilator and shifted to the NICU in an incubator. After 10 days he was taken out of the ventilator and given CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), after a few weeks the pressure was slowly reduced and later shifted on to the support of HFNC (High Flow Nasal Cannula) for few weeks. Later the baby managed to breath on his own without any form of breathing support.Small amount of feeds started from 24 hours after birth and feed volume gradually increased to reach full requirement.

n between the baby developed infections, which were diagnosed and treated with the appropriate medications.Baby required few blood transfusions to manage anaemia. In addition to this, baby developed newborn jaundice and treated with phototherapy.

The baby had a heart defect(PDA) and is treated with two courses of paracetamol.Routine Neuro sonogram ( brain ultrasound) showed small bleeding which had resolved by 14 days of life. At the time of discharge the brain scan was normal. Regular eye assessment done and the eye/retina maturity was normal. So, extreme preterm baby went home successfully with out any complications.

Dr. Ravinder Reddy Parige, HOD Neonatology and Paediatrics said that handling this preterm baby’s condition was a challenge for all our staff. All this is possible due to the presence of state-of-the-art level 3 NICU and relentless efforts of our team at Medicover Woman & Child Hospitals. We congratulate all the Clinical staff including Doctors, Nurses, management and all the supporting staff and more importantly the baby's parents for their trust & cooperation.

Dr. Ashwini - Obstetrician & Gynecologist Dr. Madhu Mohan Reddy - Senior Pediatric Surgeon, Dr. Navitha - Neonatologist, Center Head Anil and Sangeeta - DMS participated in this program*




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